Project 6 Experimental Camera

Check my code HERE

Design Process

1:At first, I was wondering how clmtraker perform on recognizing dolls’ face, since I wanted to create visual expression of dolls. Unfortunately the recognization wasn’t that precise and correct for dolls.

2: Then, I reminded of my last project of Anti-Surveillance. My goal of that project was to evoke people not to judge and randomly leave comments on others. We have learned the face tracking module that created by Kyle McDonald, so I was trying to show my own emotion and reactions to those noisy comments.

3: Since I wanted to show my reactions, I thought that open mouth action should be a good attempt. I created an if(); for distance between my upper lip and lower lip; if I opened my mouth, the distance would be increased.

Final Camera


1: Face tracking module is really fun to play with, we can do a lot of things not only for our faces, but also we can create relations between other things with our face. In this case, I make the emoji and marks flying around my ear related to the contour of my cheek.

2: I really enjoy use the blendMode() feature, it always brings me unexpected effects, which is amazing.