Project 9 Data Portrait -Coffee making
Check my code HERE
Design Process
1: First, I recorded the recipe for a week of making my own coffee, and each day I changed a few variables in the ingredients or steps, then tasted and rated the resulting coffee.
2: The next step was very straightforward, I transformed my written data into a JSON file and put it into the p5.js. And then I started testing setTimeout() and setInterbval() function to see what visulization result I could create.
3: I used some png icon to represent the steps and ingredients and the basic visulization outcome of the data was transforimg data into the size of the circle. And there was a comment I made for each day's coffee flying and rotating around the canvas.
4: Despite watching the specific data for each day, you can also click on the "Entire Chart" to see the whole visulization outcome.
1: JSON file is helpful and convenient for storing large amounts of data, which reminds me that I can simplify my code for previous projects by using JSON file.
2: When the data I have was still written text, the sreadsheet looked like a report full of numbers; of course, with some time, the reader could understand what the report was trying to say, but the whole process seemed very boring and unattractive. But when I transformed it visually, it looked more interactive and like a professional recipe from a restaurant or a tutorial. It made the viewing experience much richer and more interesting.